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1. General Rule

This Rules of Conduct regulate general matters that end users and company should comply with in relation to the services of PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS (hereinafter referred to as “Game”) provided by PUBG CORPORATION (“PUBG”). It is aimed to regulate necessary requirements in consistent manner to cope with various situations that may arise in the process of using and providing game services.

The matters that are not specifically mentioned in the Rules of Conduct shall be treated in accordance with the Terms of Use and relevant jurisdiction.

2. Changes in Rules of Conduct

If PUBG decides to change Rules of Conduct in order to improve quality of game service, PUBG will notify effective date, revised contents and reasons for revision at least 7 days prior to the effective date through PUBG homepage ( However, we will notify you from 30 days prior to the changes if such changes are regarded as serious matter or may be unfavorable to you. If a user fails to comply with revised Rules of Conduct after the last revision date, it is not PUBG’s responsibility to compensate any loss incurred due to lack of awareness from the user.

3. Duties and Responsibilities of PUBG

1) PUBG will endeavor to eradicate misconducts described in the Rules of Conduct to ensure that the users can enjoy playing the game.

2) PUBG will never ask you for your password, and PUBG will be committed to protect and securely manage user’s personal information. However, when a government agency or a judicial authority requests to provide personal information through legal means, PUBG may provide personal information to those government agencies.

3) PUBG receives feedback on all types of bugs and errors through PUBG’s official customer support center and official community, and PUBG will be committed to promptly review and correct bugs and errors.

4) PUBG will not intervene or engage in activities and disputes between and/or among end users in relation to game services.

5) PUBG may restrict some or all of the game services if PUBG determines that such unusual or unintended situations hinder enjoyment of the gameplay.

6) If you or group of users do anything that might interfere with or adversely affect any services provided by PUBG) or violates the Rules of Conduct, PUBG shall, in accordance with the ‘Penalty criteria for Misconduct specified in the Rules of Conduct, restrict service usage.

4. End User’s Responsibilities and Rights

1) You are obliged to understand and comply with PUBG’s Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct.

2) The company reserves all rights about in-game data (characters, items, game currency, etc.) created by you when using the game service, and you reserve right only to use in-game data.

3) If you are unfairly treated or incurred harm using the game service, you have the right to appeal and correct PUBG through legitimate methods and procedures. If you have been unfairly treated or harmed by another customer, you have the right to notify and ask other users to comply with Rules of Conduct.

4) You have an obligation to be fully informed about the information that PUBG officially announces, and PUBG shall not be responsible for any damages incurred due to lack of awareness about the


5) You are not allowed to generate any profit using the game service without prior approval from PUBG.

6) You may not use the information obtained through Game Service such as copying, duplication, modification, translation, publishing or otherwise providing this information to others without prior consent from PUBG.

7) You may be liable for distributing false information not officially announced by PUBG in any manner that is likely to cause confusion to other end users.

8) You must notify PUBG of any glitches (such as bugs, system errors, illegal programs, etc.) of the game service and should not exploit and/or propagate such information to other users. If you discover any vulnerability and do not disclose it to PUBG and forward it to another person, you may be subject to restrictions to the use of the game services in accordance with the Rules of Conduct, which is regarded as intentional misconduct.

9) You can make inquiries, suggestions and requests related to game services through following channels.

– Customer Support Center:

– As a general rule, we will respond promptly to inquiries, suggestions, requests, feedback you have given through Customer Center. However, the response may be delayed if there is a heavy workload.

5. Policies for Misconduct

In order to provide a fair and pleasant gaming experience for all users, PUBG has defined policies which all users need to comply with when using our service. All users playing the game must comply with the following rules.

1) Do Not Use Unauthorized Programs and Hardware Devices

If you use unauthorized programs and hardware devices that are not permitted or authorized by the company (collectively “Unauthorized hardware”, that promotes unfair game play using specific mouse or other hardware device), you may be subject to strong penalties, such as permanent game ban and restrictions of using the Service on your hardware devices. If you develop, advertise, trade or distribute unauthorized programs or unauthorized hardware, the Company will take legal action against your misconduct and may ask the judicial authorities for investigation in accordance with relevant laws as well as imposing penalty within the game.

2) Do Not Modify the Game Client, Servers or Game Data (packet, etc.)

Unauthorized changes to game client (ini file modification, etc) / servers / data (such as packets) are actions that interferes with game services and violate copyright laws.

3) Do Not Exploit Vulnerabilities in the Game (Bugs and Glitches)

Users exploiting errors and bugs found while playing the game will be liable for serious penalties and we will take actions against taking unfair advantage through official procedures and acquired BP and items will be removed.

4) Do Not Discriminate Against Others (e.g. racial or sexual discrimination)

It is unacceptable to disrespect or use offensive words towards others based on their race, gender, nationality, etc. Please be friendly and respectful towards all players.

5) Do Not Use Inappropriate Nicknames

Offensive nicknames or those that may provoke negative imagery are considered to be violating the Rules of Conduct and appropriate action may be taken against users who create them.

  • A nickname that is sexually explicit or obscene;

  • A nickname that is made with the intention to impersonate PUBG Corp, Krafton or our staff;

  • A nickname that is discriminatory in nature;

  • A nickname that may infringe on the trademark or copyright of a third party;

  • A nickname that is sensitive or causes offence for any other reason not mentioned above;

In addition, if you change a few letters of an inappropriate nickname, or try to construct nicknames that are cleverly inappropriate by mixing other characters before and after the letters, your nickname will be immediately changed without your consent and/or penalty measures will be taken.

6) Do Not Team kill

Team kill is prohibited as it interferes with normal team gameplay and penalties may be imposed if teamkill is determined to be intentional and reoccurring.

7) Do Not Team (Form Teams Outside What is Allowed By The Selected Game Mode)

Intentional teaming between players or other teams in ways that the PUBG system does not presuppose in each game mode is considered an unacceptable behavior and penalties may be imposed.

8) Do Not Stalk Other Players from Match to Match

Penalties may be imposed if you try to stalk other players in order to interfere with normal gameplay.

9) Do Not Publish Personal Information

Penalties may be imposed if you publish personal information of others (e.g. disclosing personal information of others to third parties or making it publicly available), which is regarded as an act that violates privacy.

10) Do not Manipulate Match Results

Strong penalties may be imposed on those who manipulate the results of the game in an unfair way, by taking unfair advantage in exchange for cash, goods and/or services, manipulating additional accounts in addition to their own account. For those who gets caught will end up losing all acquired items.

11) Do Not Steal or Use Other User’s Account

Penalties will be imposed against the players that access another player’s account in an unauthorized manner or take similar actions to cause mental or physical harm to a player who owns the account.

12) Do Not AFK(Away From Keyboard or idling)

Penalties may be imposed on players who go AFK while in a match. Being AFK can place your teammates at a disadvantage or otherwise undermine the gameplay experience. Players who AFK repeatedly to earn BP, SP or other account related progression or rewards will be penalized with all account progression and items removed.

13) Other Undefined Misconduct

Any action which is not defined in the Rules of Conduct that negatively impacts the delivery of PUBG’s services or negatively affects other players may be subject to warning and penalty through careful review of the circumstances.

6. Penalty Criteria for Misconduct

1) Penalty Criteria is used to protect the customer’s enjoyment while playing the game.

2) If you fail to comply with Rules of Conduct, you may be restricted from using the service without prior notice in accordance with Penalty Criteria for Misconduct

3) If your violation attempt goes over the final attempt listed in the table below, permanent ban applies.

4) If you violate any of the criteria listed in the table below and your ID is listed in the top 10 of the PUBG leaderboard, your ID will be temporarily or permanently removed from the leaderboard.

[Penalty Criteria Table For Misconduct]

Penalty Criteria for Misconduct1st Attempt2nd Attempt3rd Attempt

Use, develop, advertise, trade or distribute Unauthorized Programs and Hardware DevicesPermanent Ban––

Modification of Game Client, Servers and Game Data (packet, etc.)Permanent Ban––

Exploiting Bugs and Glitches
(Minor)3 Days Ban
Acquired BP, Item, Season rewards, Character related data will be removed7 Days Ban
Acquired BP, Item, Season rewards, Character related data will be removed15 Days Ban
Acquired BP, Item, Season rewards, Character related data will be removed

Exploiting Bugs and Glitches
(Major)30 Days Ban
Acquired BP, Item, Season rewards, Character related data will be removedPermanent Ban–

Discriminatory Act (e.g. racial and sexual discrimination)30 Days BanPermanent Ban–

Inappropriate use of language (e.g. profanity or other offensive language)3 Days Ban7 Days Ban30 Days Ban

Usage of Inappropriate Nicknames7 Days Ban
Nickname will be changed at our sole discretion. If the account was refunded, the account will be permanently banned30 Days Ban
Nickname will be changed at our sole discretion. If the account was refunded, the account will be permanently banned–

Teamkilling7 Days Ban30 Days BanPermanent Ban

Teaming14 Days Ban30 Days BanPermanent Ban

Gameplay Interference3 Days Ban7 Days Ban30 Days Ban

Stalking30 Days BanPermanent Ban–

Publishing Personal InformationPermanent Ban––

Manipulating Match Results30 Days Ban
Acquired BP, Item, Season rewards, Character related data will be removedPermanent Ban–

Usage of Another User’s AccountPermanent Ban––

AFK14 Days Ban
Acquired BP, Item, Season rewards, Character related data will be removed30 Days Ban
Acquired BP, Item, Season rewards, Character related data will be removedPermanent Ban


5) We define exploiting bugs and glitches (Minor) as an act that can cause minor damage to other players.

(e.g. Attacking other players in the terrain where you are not allowed to be in.)

6) We define exploiting bugs and glitches (Major) as an act which involves acquiring BP and items by exploiting bugs and glitches in the system.

(e.g. Purchasing infinite number of RANDOM CRATES without any BP cost and selling those crates in Steam market for the purpose of earning profit, acquiring BP by exploiting bugs and glitches in a repetitive manner etc.)

7) If you repeatedly behave in a way that the company does not allow, or if your behavior includes two or more criteria outlined in the table above, higher level of penalty or permanent ban will be imposed.

8) The Company may restrict users from running the game if misconduct was found from specific hardware device in order to maintain fair gaming environment.


7. Policy for Custom Game Mode

There is a custom game mode where you can set up number of team members, weather, loot limits and various other game options. Through this mode, PUBG can authorize only a limited number of people to create custom game mode to provide various game services such as hosting events and/or marketing purposes

8. Recovery policy

We are unable to recover any losses that arise from not following the rules of conduct, in-game notices, homepage notices, policies, game systems, etc.

9. Bonus/Gift Code(“Code”) Policy

1) PUBG may provide Codes to allow customers to redeem and use skins, including costume skins, weapon skins, and other in-game contents (Collectively, “Contents”) either as free of charge or as paid Contents through approved affiliate companies or directly from PUBG. “Free Code” means PUBG grant customers Codes without any charge, which are used for promotional and marketing purposes. If customers obtain Codes after participating an event and/or a tournament, we still consider these Codes as Free Codes.

2) PUBG may provide Codes to allow customers to redeem and use skins, including costume skins, weapon skins, and other in-game contents either as free of charge or as paid Contents.

3) Customers can receive Contents after redeeming Codes on from their own personal accounts. It is strictly prohibited to sell and transfer these Codes under any circumstances.

4) A single Code can only be used once, and after customers use/redeem their Codes, they cannot reuse, return, or refund the Codes.

5) Free Codes have an expiration date of 3 months after they have been issued, and customers cannot redeem Codes if they are expired.

6) Paid Codes have an expiration date of 5 years after they have been issued, and customers cannot redeem Codes if the Codes are expired. However, if the Codes expire within 5 years from the issuing date, customers can ask PUBG to extend the validity up to 5 years from the issuing date. Customers cannot extend expiration date of Free Codes under any circumstances.

7) PUBG will not be liable for any damage incurred to the customer or to third parties if they have acquired Codes through personal sales or, trades, and end of expiration date.

8) Codes purchased through an approved affiliate company are subject to the terms and conditions set by the affiliate company and any Code related matters (including customer inquiries, refund requests etc.) will be handled by the affiliate company which the purchase was conducted with.

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